About DiveMax

“Planning dives has never been so easy. It used to be the most difficult aspect of diving. This is a truly amazing innovation!”

Mika Pennanen
Dive Master, Technical Diver


The idea for a simple dive planner was born on a dive safari in Thailand when the local guide ascended to the surface too fast and had to be transported directly to hospital. Alarmed by the experience, the diving party started to check the plans of the day. When they finally recalled how to read the RDP tables, they discovered that all the dives pre-planned for them by the safari organizers were dangerously in the last dive-pressure groups leaving very little room for flexibility.

These events triggered Codespace to start developing a mobile phone application that would visualize dive planning and allow changes to the plan after each dive. Any changes should instantly affect the required surface times, allowed diving depths, and nitrogen pressure levels on diver’s body tissue – and all this should be shown in a simple and graphical way.

Innovative Dive Planner

DiveMax® is a rich infographics application that shows complex information and data fast and clearly in a graphical format. It also allows the user to modify the plan in real-time. Calculations on effects of nitrogen pressure in tissues are based on Dr. Albert A. Bühlmann’s decompression algorithm, the same algorithm used in dive computers. Compared to traditional RDP tables, planning dives with DiveMax® eliminates the possibility of human errors as all calculations are always done by computer.

Released in November 2011, DiveMax® is the second generation of mobile dive planners developed by Codespace in Jyväskylä, Finland. The first generation, DiveX, won the sports category in the global 2011 Calling All Innovators – North America competition organized by Nokia and AT&T. The competition included 17 categories for mobile applications and games, and the winner of each category received $150 000.

After the award, the name of the application changed to DiveMax®. Compared with the previous version, the new application now includes a tool for quickly optimizing the allowed times and depths, a completely new look and feel, and support for Android devices.

In November 2012, DiveMax® won the Quality Innovation of the Year Competition. The competition was arranged by Laatukeskus Excellence Finland, a national non-profit organization dedicated to performance improvement. Quality Innovation of the Year Award is signed by Sauli Niinistö, the president of the republic of Finland.


Human Tech Center Finland

It is not a company – it is a whole region in the middle of Finland.




Divetravel Finland

Divetravel Finland (DTF) excels in organizing high-quality dive tours all over the world. At the moment, they are taking divers to Egypt to dive in the beautiful waters of the Red Sea.

Customers of DTF include private persons, diving associations and other diving enterprises.


The Scuba Diving Blog

The Scuba Diving Blog. Articles, news, training, travel locations and dive shop reviews.

The Scuba Diving Blog


Our global user base, open SDK, and unparalleled design capabilities create a unique ecosystem. Partners, developers, web designers, and other online professionals can effectively market their Apps and services to millions through Wix.




Established in 1998, Codespace is an innovative software development company. In addition to DiveMax®, the product portfolio of the company includes live chat called Chatbell, SMS-based jukebox Rock Menu, and an interactive radio VoteIt. The company is based in Jyväskylä, Finland.

For more information:
CEO Kimmo Pennanen, Codespace
E-mail: first name.last name (at) codespace.fi